Is Your Digestion Efficient?

by | Jan 11, 2023 | Blog

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The root cause of your digestive issues could be this crucial part of your body’s metabolism.

In Ayurveda, healthy digestion is the foundation of lasting wellness. Your digestive fire, known as agni in Sanskrit, is responsible for transforming the food and beverages that you take in to your body into the sustenance that supports your thriving existence.

Digestive agni, called jatharagni, is centered in the stomach and is the most important of the 40 types of agni in the body. It governs digestion, absorption, and assimilation of food and other molecules into more subtle substances that allow our body to function. When agni is burning steadily, digestion is comfortable, your cells are nourished, and damaging toxins (called ama) are prevented from building up in your body.

Why is having good digestive efficiency or fire important?

Here are just a few reasons:

Nutrient absorption

Your digestive system is responsible for breaking down the food you eat into nutrients that your body can use. If your digestive system is not functioning properly, you may not be able to absorb these nutrients effectively, leading to deficiencies that can have negative impacts on your overall health.

Weight management

Poor digestive efficiency can lead to weight gain or difficulty losing weight. If your body is not able to properly break down and absorb nutrients from your food, you may end up eating more in an attempt to feel full, which can lead to weight gain. On the other hand, if your digestive system is functioning properly, you may feel satisfied with smaller portions of food and be able to maintain a healthy weight more easily.

Digestive issues

Poor digestive efficiency can lead to a number of digestive issues such as bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea. These can be uncomfortable and can also have negative impacts on your overall health.

Overall health

Good digestive efficiency is important for overall health. Proper digestion and nutrient absorption can support a healthy immune system, brain function, and energy levels. It can also help to prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

woman lying in bed with discomfort

Improve your digestive efficiency

There are several ways to improve your digestive efficiency. This includes eating a healthy, balanced diet, staying hydrated, getting enough fiber, and exercising regularly.

One key piece of digestion is taking time to eat your food. Eating in a rush is one of the worse things you can do to have proper digestion.

Chew your foods, smell every ingredient, and take the time to enjoy your meal!

Spices like ginger and turmeric, among others, can be helpful to raise your digestive fire, and I recommend them to be incorporated into your foods frequently.

Some digestive herbal teas, including ginger, licorice, and peppermint can stimulate your digestive organs to improve their efficiency.

Do not overeat, always choose quality over quantity.

Don’t pay too much attention to trending diets telling you how much you should be eating: You are unique, and so your foods should be!

Remember, we need to keep well nourished our body and our microbiome!

Taking care of your digestive system is one of the most important aspects of maintaining good overall health and well-being.

Yours in gut health,

Dr. Haroldo Magarinos

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