Total Toxic Burden Testing

Toxicological analysis is vital to achieving the best possible health because it helps to find and measure the different toxins in the human body. These poisons, ranging from heavy metals to man-made chemicals, have the potential to hurt your health and well-being if you don’t take care of them properly.

Toxin Exposure

Toxins are everywhere in the world today. Due to the greater production and bioaccumulation of chemicals, more and more people are exposed to toxins. The amount of dangerous chemicals in our enrivonment is growing at a swift rate. In 1994, the US let out 2.2 billion pounds of chemicals. By 2002, that number had grown to 4.7 billion pounds. The Environmental Protection Act (EPA) list is comprised of about 84,000 commercially available chemicals, many of which haven’t been tested much for their effects on people or the environment.

healthy gut microbiome

As persistent organic pollutants, chemicals like DDT that are no longer allowed to be used in the U.S. can still be found in the environment. One study found almost 200 chemicals in the blood of newborns. This shows that pregnant women are exposed to a lot of toxins. This is especially scary because many of them are at risk for developmental issues, among other health problems. We have a problem with toxins in the world.

Toxic Burden

The amount of toxic chemicals and their byproducts that build up in the body is called the toxic burden. Depending on the types of chemicals in the environment, some are quickly broken down and digested, while others are soluble in fat, build up in tissues, and are hard to break down. It’s essential to understand the idea of synergistic toxicity, which states that different toxins in the environment can have more harmful effects on the body. If there is a high load of toxins and the body isn’t able to get rid of them as well as it should because of a lack of nutrients, problems with elimination, or genetic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), the effects of the toxins may last longer and be worse.

This is why testing is crucial for determining how toxicants affect each person. When there are too many poisons, the body may not be able to get rid of them fast enough. This can cause them to build up in the body.

Health Risks of Environmental Toxins

Many medical illnesses and disease states are linked to toxin exposure. The risk depends on the:

  • amount of toxicant exposure
  • exposure length genetic susceptibility
  • combined effects with other toxicants
  • factors that affect detoxification pathways

Common areas of concern include: cancer, heart disease, neurological disorders, immune system problems, developmental disorders, harmful effects on reproduction, hormonal imbalances, a whole host of other symptoms and bad health results.

When people know about the possible health risks of environmental toxins, they can take care of their health responsibly. The first step is to figure out what a person is regularly exposed to and how much of it they are getting exposed.


We have a test that looks for chemicals of interest in the urine. By doing a simple pee test to check for environmental toxins, a person can learn about risk factors that could have a big effect on their health and take steps to lower their risk and improve their health.

We highly recommend getting a gut analysis done if you are struggling with any gut health issues. This test will give us a detailed look at the microscopic community of organisms that live in your gut and how they are affecting your health. Laboratory testing is so important to diagnose and create personalized treatment plans because it allows us to get a clear and accurate picture of what is going on in your body. With this information, we can create a protocol tailored to your needs to help you heal and feel your best.

If you want to learn more about our laboratory testing services or get a gut analysis, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are happy to chat with you and answer any questions you may have.

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Recognizing Symptoms of Toxic Overload

Although our bodies are equipped with their own tools to break down toxins, excessive exposure can lead to a buildup in the body. Once the body loses the ability to detoxify, disease efficiently begins to present itself.

Symptoms of toxic overload can include:


  • Fatigue
  • Muscle and Joint Pain
  • Skin Issues
  • Neurological symptoms
  • Digestive imbalances
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Frequent/ recurrent infections
  • Respiratory Issues
  • Bad Breath or Body Odor
  • Unexplained Weight Gain
  • Sensitivity to Scents
  • Mood Changes
  • Allergies or Sensitivities

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